29. 08. 2011
Kategorie: Motorsport
Mladá Boleslav, 29 August, 2011 – ŠKODA will support this year's Oldtimer Bohemia Rally as its main partner. Taking place in the carmaker's home region, the rally is very popular with fans and is part of this year's series of 22 official FIVA events (Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens). The first weekend of September will see three cars owned by the ŠKODA Museum appear on the start line – an L&K 300, a ŠKODA 645 and a ŠKODA Sagitta. The L&K 300 of 1923 is the oldest vehicle on the start list.
About 50 vintage cars (the required minimum age is 30 years) are going to appear on the start line. Divided into eight stages, the 300km track is situated in the surroundings of Mladá Boleslav, Liberec and Prague. The rally takes place in ordinary traffic, in compliance with all its rules. Furthermore, the drivers will have to keep the speed they are going to select before the start. Three speed options are available – 30, 35 and 40 km/h, with penalty points given for any deviation. Under the FIVA rules, track details and all the respective en-route tasks are going to be kept strictly secret until the start.
The rally starts at the Old Town Square in Mladá Boleslav on 1 September and ends in the same place on 3 September. The event includes a special category, the "elegance competition" (Concours d´Ếlếgance), in which the jury decide how well each crew have matched their outfits with their vehicle and whether their style actually corresponds with the vehicle production year. As part of their agenda, the crews are going to visit a number of attractive places, including the Sychrov Castle and the Petřín Lookout Tower in Prague. The programme for spectators and fans includes various forms of entertainment and a vintage car show.
In Loutraki, 17 June, 2011 – The Rally Acropolis has shown already on Day 1 why it is regarded as one of the icons of…... Číst dále
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